Whit Monday (Lundi de Pentecôte) is celebrated in France and at least 11 other countries. It is celebrated on Sunday the 50th day after Easter Sunday. Businesses are usually closed during this holiday. Whit Monday has a Christian origin.
This holiday is also celebrated in:
Whole country
Andre pinsedag (Norwegian)
Whole country
Annandag pingst (Swedish)
Whole country
2. Pinsedag (Danish)
Whole country
Tweede pinksterdag (Dutch)
Whole country
Pinkstermaandag (Dutch - Belgium)
Tweede pinksterdag (Dutch)
Lundi de Pentecôte (French)
Whole country
Päischtméindeg (Luxembourgish)
Whole country
Pfingstmontag (German)
Lundi de Pentecôte (French)
Whole country
Pfingstmontag (German)
Whole country
Pünkösdhétfő (Hungarian)
Whole country
Whit Monday (English)
Pinkster (Afrikaans)